Monday, March 30, 2009

Arrived in Zambia!!!

I'm here!!! Sitting in a coffee shop with a latte! Flight went really well. I was in the back and right before take-off one of the stewardesses says " Dr. McGarry, Dr. McGarry. There is a problem with your ticket. Please gather your things and come with me." I then got moved to row 1 seat c back in business class!!! Haha! One of the stewardesses came and asked if I was the doctor coming to work in a HIV hospital. He told me about how he is negative but a lot of his friends are positive and how he gives money to an aids orphanage in nairobi. He asked me all sorts of questions about what I was doing. Everyone up in business class heard of course. Once again the seat turned into a bed. I didnt get very good sleep...there was a lot of turbulence. I think it was when we were going over the Sahara desert. Since I was in row one, I was the first one off the plane. I had to walk out onto the tarmac to get to the terminal. There were government officials to greet us and since I was the first one, a lady walked with me chatting the whole way!. She was very friendly. The sun was just rising when we landed. I was second in line for the visa. It went just fine. I told them I was here to visit a friend and to visit the hospital to see the differences....stamped tourist visa. I had to wait almost an hour for my luggage. But most people hadn't even made it through the visa line by that point. While I was waiting, I was standing next to someone apparently very important. Everyone came over to say hello. He was in business class with me and then went through the VIP line. I was earsdropping and he called someone in customs to tell them that there was a doctor from America that would be coming through. I don't know what that got me, but I had no difficulties. I then went and exchanged two hundred dollars. I am now a millionaire!!! ha!! :-) From there you walk right out to the parking lot. I asked security where to get a taxi and immediately got taken to one. It took about 45 minutes to get to the shopping area because traffic was so bad. Rushhour. It smells so good here. Nice and earthy. Everything is very green and the trees look like what you see in the photos. There are people walking along side the road everywhere. Some are carrying things on top of their heads. Some are wearing traditional clothes. The schoolkids have unifroms on. There are also people in very very nice business clothes. there are soldiers driving by in backs of beat-up trucks. The shopping center is huge and modern, complete with a shop-rite and subway. I got here before it was open. But the coffee shop had just opened! So I bought a latte, sausage roll, and internet and am sitting outside, surely getting sunburnt, wasting a few hours. I have my luggage with me so it will be difficult to walk around. I need to go to the bank and find a phone store to by asim card. I also need to find a restroom...but am not thinking about that right now. I am so happy here...I can already tell I'm not going to want to leave....and when I do leave I will want to be back here. :)

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