Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Macha!!

I finally am done traveling!! Five hours in the back of a car to finish off the journey... Started off in Lusaka with big busy roads full of cars and people. Then the roads were smaller but still paved. Lots of police check points. People walking along the road everywhere....balancing things on their heads and babies strapped to their backs. There were guys selling scratch off cards for cell phone air time and newspapers in the middle of the road. Then the roads were no longer paved...only slightly bumpy and still 2 lanes. Then the pot holes got bigger. Then the road only became one lane. And then the road looked like it had been completely washed out. The last half of the ride was spent gripping onto the handle on the ceiling so not to bounce around. All along the road there were people and kids everywhere, waving. There were tiny little circle huts with grass roofs in circles all along the roads. It was gorgeous though. Beautiful sky...big like in eastern washington or montana. Red red dirt. Got to the hospital right before dinner. Emptied some stuff before heading over for a dinner of mac and cheese. So disappointing. :-/ There are 3 dutch girls doing research here. Not very friendly and would only speak dutch during dinner, despite speaking perfect english. boo. Hopefully that will get better. But I am so happy to be here. And I start work tomorrow at 730 am. Will load photos soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meghan...just read your blog and am so excited for you. Sounds like you will definitely make a difference in this world someday soon. I printed out your blog and will show it to Grandma. She will be happy to read about your experiences. Have fun and be safe.
    Love..Aunt Sharon
