Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Abcon is a child I met not on the pediatric ward. He is on the men's ward because he is over 6 years old (Yes, thats right...pediatrics is under 6!). So anyways, I met him when he was crying in the middle of the hospital last week. And by middle of the hospital, I mean outside, on a dusty cement path connecting the different wards. He was wailing away, saying something in Tonga, as everyone stopped what they were doing, stared and did nothing. He didn't stop, so I walked up rubbed him on his head. Then he gave me a big hug, crying into my white coat. I made him a balloon and by that point someone told me he was crying because his dad had just beat him. He settled down a bit and a nurse came to take him back inside. That was last week.

On Sunday, he came running up to me chatting excitiedly in Tonga when I walked into the hospital. So I played with him and tickled him and then continued on. And he followed. He followed me for over an hour as I worked in the pediatric ward. He would hold the charts, look at xrays, and peer at the babies. And then when I was done, I walked him back to the men's ward. As we walked back, he started chatting happily in tonga. I wonder what he thought of the day. :)

By the way, for those wondering, he is admitted for a burn on his hand and arm that is infected.

1 comment:

  1. Abcon is my sweety! He was my little friend in the playroom! :)
    And yes, he was talking for hours to me in Tonga, no idea where he was talking about! haha He was always looking at my like: 'why do you not answer me??' lol

    X Miran
