Saturday, April 25, 2009

Victoria Falls

I forgot I hadn't posted this from last weekend! So Miranda and I went to explore Vic Falls, the largest waterfall in the world, last Sunday. Well we could barely see it! The water is at one of highest levels ever and there is so much "mist" you can't see anything. I put mist in quotations because I laugh as I write it. It was more like a torrential downpour. I couldn't wear my sandals half the time because the path was a flowing stream of water. It was fantastic! We also saw Zimbabwe but didn't the time (nor the patience) to cross the bridge into and deal with visas again. Then we heard about the boiling pot which is whirlpool at the bottom. So we asked around and figured out the trail to hike down. I ran into 2 guys from Spain I had met when crossing into Botswana the day before so they hiked with us. I don't think we ever got quite far enough but we forged rivers, boulders, and logs. And there were 324 stairs to get to the top of the trail: I counted! And afterwards, pizza and milkshakes! bad pizza but still, normal food!!

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