Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Okay happier things....

Okay more about the hospital... It is actually a series of buildings connected by outdoor walkways. The buildings are pretty much big rooms filled with patients all in a row. The beds are metal beds with peeling paint. Most patients have a family member with them to take care of them and bring them food...otherwise they dont eat. There is a men's ward, women's ward, TB ward, maternity, and pediatric ward. There are also outpatient clinics including the ART clnic (anti-retroviral therapy). In each ward, there is a large inner room and a outer room that is almost a porch. The patients with TB and are unstable or are coughing are put out on the outer room. There are salemanders or lizards crawling up the walls. The smell is well, like the psychiatry ward at harborview...enough said! There are mosquito nets above each bed. Okay more later...time to shower!

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